Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Tiny, Green Dell

The Tiny, Green Dell You Can't Buy (Yet)

Ignore the keyboard, mouse and Vista-rific monitor. See that on the right? That's Dell's computer-rendered vision of its next-gen PC.

It's compact and has style, there's no arguing that. And according to Gizmodo, it will be "81% smaller than a mini tower and 70% less energy-consuming." But will it play Crysis?

No word on when you'll be able to order one at, because for now, it's just some fancy pixels.

Update: Earth2Tech has pics of a familiar little machine but draped in bamboo. They peg the cost at somewhere in the $500 - $700 range and availability at sometime this year.

Now you've really got my attention! Are you listening Dell?

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